From my understanding of the readers and my further research, Tim O'reilly created the term Web 2.0 to describe the cumulative changes in the way Web pages are made and used.
"Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online."
"Some people decrying it as a meaningless marketing buzzword" - This was an interesting quote that I took from Tim O'reillys reading. There are no technical specifications as how Web 2.0 has developed, yet we use it everyday in our day to day lives, to be honest I think we have become so dependent on these technologies that we would be lost without them.
So what are the differences between web 1.0 and web 2.0?
Interaction - This it the main difference here - and for me, the more Web 2.0 develops the stranger everyday social interaction becomes. Think to yourself, how often have you sat at a table with all your friends and every single one of you are on your phones? Tweeting, browsing Facebook, updating Instagram, snap chatting.
When it comes to social media sites such Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I can see the benefits of these sites when used professionally. I successfully ran a business through Facebook, and after reading other blogs most of us will mention "The Hustle" which is is a fantastic way to connect with other dancers within the network. What I feel the danger here is - Are these social media sites anything but social?
This link is a You Tube video (Yet another Web 2.0 tool) which will get questioning the way you use Facebook :
"I looked around and I realised this media we call social is anything but.In our generation, personally I feel like Social media has sped out of control and instead of being proactive and present we are glued to screens. We have become so obsessed with other peoples lives that I feel sometimes we forget to live our own.
When we open up our computers, its our doors we shut"
"A world of self interest, self image, self promotion. A world where we share our best bits, but leave out the emotion"
I experienced this whilst being on my last contract. Messages from my friends commenting on what an amazing time I look to be having. Meanwhile, behind my Facebook profile and all the pictures of me smiling on beaches and travelling the world, my "Facebook friends" weren't seeing pictures of me in drill or in my tiny cabin or doing all my duties. To the rest of the world My life was perfect but all is not as it seems on these social media sites. I am sure fellow cruise workers can relate.
Mark zuckerburg claimed that "connectivity is a human right" - but can we not connect with real life human contact rather than just our screens?
Mark zuckerburg claimed that "connectivity is a human right" - but can we not connect with real life human contact rather than just our screens?
‘Seeing the network as platform’
"all the data and the software that manages the application is not run locally on your computer and can be accessed from anywhere in the world"
This is an amazing thing to be able to do, to connect with people throughout the world and the way you can share and network with complete strangers is something which we can really work towards with our professional practise. It is something I use on a daily basis, connecting with clients and candidates networking in a way that is useful to us.
1. Architectures of Participation
Any one can participate in Web 2.0. It is a social and professional tool which is quick easy and cheap for everyone involved. Money, time and skills are all factors which hold us back whilst networking. Web 2.0 enables us to explore not only our own ideas, but to share, post ,tag, comment, and collaborate and develop ideas with colleagues, friends or complete strangers!
The best part here is being able to customise our own network platforms. We live in a world now where you are represented by your online profile. We sit there and we tweak sentences and filter pictures until our online profile is our perfect version of ourselves. First impressions count - But is it our online profiles that are our first impressions?
The best part here is being able to customise our own network platforms. We live in a world now where you are represented by your online profile. We sit there and we tweak sentences and filter pictures until our online profile is our perfect version of ourselves. First impressions count - But is it our online profiles that are our first impressions?
The ways we can interact with each other is incredible the way we can , but can we predict user behaviour? For example, Wikapedia use to allow anyone to edit the information on there. How will the information be reliable? Whats stopping someone on Facebook upload those photos of that boozy night out - which would ruin your credibility?
Making sure you control your profiles is at the upmost importance here - making sure all the control is with the user and you don't leave settings open to the rest of the network. YOU can be in control of your profile and your online reputation.
I am interested the way we can use these technologies and customise our profiles in a way that represents us. Even within our course, each blog is different, we al have a different way of learning and different layouts to our blogs. Most of us will never meet - its fascinating that we have all been joined together through the use of Blogs - Also being so far away, it really helps me to read through peoples blogs who have attended sessions and its interesting the different array of ideas we have through the readers.
As discussed I do have worries in the way Web 2.0 allows us to connect share and respond. As shown in O'reillys meme - the main two points here for me are , hackability and user behaviour. Hackability is a valid point here. How safe is all our information on the internet, who can see the information on your profile? Does it save if you deleted it? What if someone hacked your profile?
2. Remixable date and transformations
Further reading: Dr Axel Bruns
"Bruns argues that in fact there isn't a step by step transition from reading and consuming materials to making and sharing them online, more that each of us as we participate are both producer and consumer." (reader 1)
I wanted to explore this further as I feel it refers directly to a career in the performing world. We are our own brand, our own producer but we have to consume the industry around us and those in it in order to progress. We were constantly reminded at college - YOU ARE YOUR OWN BUSINESS We are the product, so how we market that product is how successful we will be. This creates a great link into how I should be using web 2.0 in my practice. As mentioned in architectures of participation a lot of our variables come down to money. I can honestly say the life of a struggling dancer will never be a rich one which gives us Web 2.0 as a cheap readily available option right at our finger tips.
Knowledge is power. Being able to remix and transform data between us and improve on it using the wonders of the net.
3. Harnessing collective intelligence
Web 2.0 offers a "social space for people, strangers and almost strangers with diverse backgrounds to come together as equals, as generators of ideas, to deliberate and act collectively" (Feenberg and Bakardjieva, 2004, p 37).
The usage of blogs here at Middlesex is an amazing idea to connect with fellow students and an opportunity to connect and study long distance whilst publishing your thoughts and theories online. It enables us to comment on each others ideas and grow as professionals - I will probably never meet any of you in real life but we can work together and get to know each other through blogs. This makes Web 2.0 fantastic for classroom purposes.
Web 2.0 offers a "social space for people, strangers and almost strangers with diverse backgrounds to come together as equals, as generators of ideas, to deliberate and act collectively" (Feenberg and Bakardjieva, 2004, p 37).
The usage of blogs here at Middlesex is an amazing idea to connect with fellow students and an opportunity to connect and study long distance whilst publishing your thoughts and theories online. It enables us to comment on each others ideas and grow as professionals - I will probably never meet any of you in real life but we can work together and get to know each other through blogs. This makes Web 2.0 fantastic for classroom purposes.
As suggested by Gruber in 2008, "there are three components of an online system that support collective intelligence" (Reader 1)
The 3 components:
How I use Web 2.0 in my professional Career?
The 3 components:
1. Social System
2. Search Engine
3. Intelligent Users
Im finding this within the course here that we are expressing ourselves through online blogs and share and comment between each other sharing each others theories and research really helpful. We have so much information at our fingertips which we can create, respond and develop further ideas.
How I use Web 2.0 in my professional Career?
Linkedin - is my bible at the moment (not to be boastful here) but my profile is the most viewed profile out of my company at the moment. This is because I use Linkedin religiously and commercially as a networking tool. I post jobs that I am recruiting, with businesses and connect with clients and candidates. My job is all about gaining rapport with people and learning to connect and network with the correct people so I make sure my Linkedin profile is as professional as can be. Page Personnel have given me strict deadlines to follow to create my profile as its not just representing me, but it is representation of the whole company.
Twitter - is also a fantastic tool, following people within the business, seeing what they are tweeting about. Gaining commercial knowledge and giving you that step forward in the game.
You Tube - You tube is an amazing way to send your showreel to casting directors and creating a channel in which you can upload your work to.
Any comments about my showreel will be much appreciated.
EXPLORING PIN INTEREST - KATIE SCOTT - Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all of your projects and interests. I have created a BAPP board to pin interest things I have found interesting during research. - This Blog is also something I have discovered during my course also.
Im sure I will be learning to utilise my communication technologies further through out my course.
(3) Bruns, A. Towards produsage: Futures for user-led content production. Proceedings: Cultural Attitudes towards Communication and Technology 2006, eds. F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, and C. Ess. Murdoch University, Perth, 2006, 275-84. Also available at (accessed 25 Nov. 2006).
Some links to some Web 2.0 tools I have newly come across whilst exploring Web 2.0 to help develop my technologies further -
EXPLORING PIN INTEREST - KATIE SCOTT - Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all of your projects and interests. I have created a BAPP board to pin interest things I have found interesting during research. - This Blog is also something I have discovered during my course also.
Im sure I will be learning to utilise my communication technologies further through out my course.
(3) Bruns, A. Towards produsage: Futures for user-led content production. Proceedings: Cultural Attitudes towards Communication and Technology 2006, eds. F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, and C. Ess. Murdoch University, Perth, 2006, 275-84. Also available at (accessed 25 Nov. 2006).
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